Jul 29, 2010

Romania did it again

Thank you for not letting us up. I don't know which is worst: the fact that they don't care, the fact that they search for it on iStock, that the actual symbol cost 250$ and the campaign was 900k, or the harsh really of the inexpressive, actually totally ugly logo.

The new brand is this:

inspired by this:

And used in a lot of other contexts:

You can read the rest here: http://www.piticu.ro/

And all this happens one year after the last "rebranding": "Romania, the land of choice".
We can actually do this every year. Any PR is a good PR for a dead country, right?
Next year i would like to be something about the fish shape and the fact that we try to keep up with the smell.

1 comment:

Cristi Mosora said...

You shouldn't give this scandal so much credit, it's not so dramatic as they make it on TV. Here's another point of view: Ce frunza brandului.