The city colors are made by a combination of elements:
1. first are the buildings that are creme / gray (very neutral) with black metal art work in the doors and windows, balconies and on the roofs.
2. There are the cars that are made in black and white. All the cars are either black, white or gray. They are moving very slow on the small streets of Paris. This gives to the city a note of elegance. Very rare you see a car thats green or pink or some weird color that is very acceptable here, but not on cars.
3. Another moving element are the scooters. As you probably know Paris is a city of scooters. Is the compromise of technology with the bohemian spirit around. Mostly you will see women in high hills driving around. They sometimes are a drop of color. Apparently the scoters are the sister that got to keep it's childish preferences. And the helmets are unique. This could be a trend itself.
Adding to this elements are 2 more thing that really bring color to the city.
4. First are the tree, and there are a lot of them. The tree here is plane tree (I don't have a good picture because it's autumn).
But the thing is that nature grows everywhere in Paris, on roofs, on windows, on balconies and in the most unimaginable places you can think of.
And the final straw to this is the color red that the Parisians use a lot. Because everything else is so pale.
And there is this thing about Paris, that is more vivid that any other place: "the interdiction signs". And I'm not joking. You see a lot of "ne pas stationner ici", even on buildings there are a lot of paranoiac signs like this.
For more about this, you can check my future article " The Parisians don't take no for an answer".
5. And there is another red. The red of decoration.
The perfect color of a city: black, white, gray and beige, with rich nature and drops of red. All seasoned with the joy and enthusiasm of people. After my trip to Scandinavian (where I met the coldest people), France is a good exercise. People talking to you just because they have the chance. Smiling and greeting everyone. I like this spirit.
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